
The Things People Say to Get Out of Jury Duty

People say some of the stupidest things to get out of jury duty. There were two dudes who just wouldn't shut up. They talked so much that they rest of us were mumbling, "They need to shut up." That was crazy because one of the defense attorneys got upset and asked for a sidebar. The judge came back and told us to quit making comments to each other.

Here are some quotes from the people…
"If we aren't talking like you and I are talking now, I will be sleep on you. I get bored easily and you will hear me snoring."
"I can't believe just one witness. It is human nature to lie."
"I just don't want to."
"I don't believe in giving anyone probation for murder."

Here's a question... Why would you ask a person who does not speak or understand English to serve on a jury?

The end...

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