
All About Me

Write down 5 things that you like about yourself.

1. I am very supportive.
2. I have a great smile.
3. I am fun-loving.
4. I rarely hold grudges.
5. I love working with children.

Write down 5 positive things about your writing.

1. I write a complete church scene in all of my stories, from the opening pray, to the benediction.
2. I write with continuity. Whatever I write, the facts are always kept straight and the timelines are always correct.
3. Many of my characters and places have reoccurring roles in my stories.
4. I add humor to my writing.
5. I include resolutions, repentance, and restoration in my stories.

This is not a part of the workshop exercise, but I chose to add it.

Here are some other things that I like about my writing.

1. Most of my main characters are female.
2. The main female character usually gets the man. :) I never got the man in real life, until I was 33 years old. (It's better late than never.)
3. The main female character is usually a prissy girl who likes to dress up. I am a tom boy in real life.
4. Someone in my stories usually prays or reads a scripture.
5. Some feature, aspect, or characteristic of the main female character is based on me.

The end...

This blog has run it's course. Visit...  http://www.iamagracefulwriter.info/ to read more about my writing.