
Graduation And the Like

I have a doctor's appointment set up for Monday. I have got to go get myself checked out.

I am getting excited; my hubby's graduation ceremony is on Sunday. He will be graduating Magna Cum Laude. I am so proud of him. That's a great accomplishment. He worked hard for that too. I know, I was up for a couple of those late nights. I am going to have to make a website for the pictures that I take for his graduation.

I am going to have to get some programs for his people, since they will not be there. Which, we are going to be in trouble because we didn't even tell anyone about this graduation, well, family that is. He told the people at his job. I am proud of him for that.

Can't wait till Sunday.


A Little Better

I feel a little better today. I just can't shake whatever this is that is making me feel rotten.

I am so tired. I am about ready to scream. I need a break more than anything.

My husband doesn't have anymore classes. I am so happy.

Things can go back to normal. I am so happy.

Spring Break will be here in a few more weeks. I think I need to get out of the city. I am hoping that we can go somewhere. I need to leave this place.


Need To Vent

Well, I really needed to vent. I am just tired right now. Things are crazy. Lately, there have been so many changes in my life. I don't do well with change, especially change that was not initiated by me. Most of the changes have been at work. A couple have been at home.

One of the changes at home is very welcomed, but it will take some adjustment. My husband is finally graduating with his Bachelor's degree. I am very happy. I have been waiting for this day for a long, long while. YEA!!! I am proud of him. He will be graduating Magna Cum Laude. He worked hard for it, too.

I just think I am becoming a crabby old lady. (SMILE) Not really, but it feels that way sometimes. I know a lot of it is that I am just tired. It isn't easy having a husband who is always up late studying. I am a light sleeper, so any kind of commotion, I wake up. Plus it is hard for me to go to sleep. It takes me like 15 to 20 minutes to get to sleep after my head hits the pillow. The rest of my family, go straight to sleep. I am an odd ball in my family. I just hope my mood changes once my sleeping habits change.

I am just irritable today. I know I really need a break. It's like 2 more weeks until Spring Break. Thank God. I want to try to go somewhere, but I don't know if I will be able to. I may just have to go to Refugio for the week. At least I will be out of the city. I don't know. I kind of want to go to Atlanta to see my brother. (My nose is running like crazy!) I miss him. He has twists now. He sent some pictures but I couldn't see them like I wanted to. Oh well.

My necklace broke today. Nuts!

I guess I have vented long enough. I feel a little better.

First Things First

Well, it has been a minute since I posted. I have been writing in my journal, I just haven't posted them.

I have entries from December 2007 through the beginning of this month. Just haven't posted them to the blog. Lazy, I know. I will post all of the older entries one of these days.

Just a note to let ou know why the gap in between entries.

The end...

This blog has run it's course. Visit...  http://www.iamagracefulwriter.info/ to read more about my writing.