Well, the class clown is at it again.
See these entries:
* Got Clowned Yesterday
* But I Brought You Flowers
We were lining up for lunch when He said, "Mrs. Boone, I need to go potty." I said, "Okay, go ahead." The other teacher was standing with the students. I was walking towards the front door.
I look up, he is almost to the restroom and he is walking with his pants and underwear down around his ankles, wiggling his rosy little bottom, among other things.
Both the other teacher and I say at the same time (this is not his real name), "Tracy!" which causes him to dance even more and part of the class to laugh. (Thankfully, most of them were otherwise occupied with playing around in the line.)
So, I direct him into the restroom. After he finishes, I talk to him. I asked, "Why did you do that?" He says, "I wanted to make everyone laugh." I try to reprimand him. He gives me his sad, I'm sorry face, and then says, "I'm sorry Mrs. Boone. I will be good," all the while, trying to get away from me. I had to stop to stop him twice while I was talking to him.
He repeats the same line he just gave me and then I let him leave. He walks out of the restroom laughing and dancing.
I wrote his mother a note and she made him apology and promise that it would never happen again.
My husband was cracking up laughing at me.
Lord, how much longer do we have in school? Close to 5 more weeks. I may not make it.
I really think that "WE," especially them, are all ready for school to be out.
Other than the dance show I received, today was a good day.
The end...
This blog has run it's course. Visit... http://www.iamagracefulwriter.info/ to read more about my writing.
I worked in Children's Church today. I didn't actually have a class. I ended up helping in the kindergarten class, that's usuall...
This month, I am participating in the April Fool's Novel Challenge . Basically, you state a goal, work towards that goal, and hope for ...
Today was so crazy. We had a fire alarm. It wasn't a drill either. It was for real. My class was about to go outside. All of a sudd...