I worked in Children's Church today. I didn't actually have a class. I ended up helping in the kindergarten class, that's usually the class I teach on 1st & 3rd Sundays. There was another teacher there this Sunday.
Hopefully, this won't sound bad, but I am glad that I didn't have to teach the class because they made Arks (Noah's Ark) in the classes. They had 10-20 minutes and they had to use stuff that they just kind of found. Supposedly, an email was sent out to all of the teachers to bring stuff to make an ark with. I didn't get the email. I am not on the mailing list, so I didn't get the email.
Sometimes, our Children's Church services seem disorganized. They sit in a room for 20 to 30 minutes working on a worksheet waiting for children to arrive. Mostly, the children play and talk until they see the adult with the candy bag come into the room, and then they make a mad scramble and try to finish their pages. I usually end up with an onslaught of children's screaming in my ear, "Can you help me with #2?" I help them, of course. (I usually do the worksheet, so I can help them with it.)
They get candy for completing the worksheet. After the candy run, which takes 10 minutes, we have devotion. That takes 10 to 20 minutes. Then we go to the classrooms. When in the classrooms, they eat a snack. That takes forever because everyone wants to play around, and then no one wants what is on the table and we end up having to wait for one person to get the snack they want.
After the snack, everyone wants to go to the restroom. Lord, have mercy. That is crazy.
After the restroom run, it doesn't leave much time to do a lesson, which I have to wait around for because it is not waiting on me. I never know what the lesson is going to be because when I am handed it in the room, that's the first time I have seen the lesson.
I hate being unprepared, which I am every Sunday I go to teach the class.
I hope that since I am on the mailing list, I will be more prepared.
A couple of Sundays, we had a different person running the Children's Church service, in place of the person who normally does it. Those services seemed more organized. She had someone there to actually explain the lesson. It was so amazing how different the services were. I wish they could be like that more often.
I have only been working with Children's Church since January.