
Bored For A Long While

Today was mostly boring. I ate breakfast and then sat around the house doing nothing. I washed dishes. After that, my day was not constructive at all.

I finally did get out of the house around 7:00 PM. I had to leave I was gonna go stir crazy. I went to COMP USA. I got something to eat. I went to Blockbuster. I came back home.

I turned my computer on, but I didn't get on it. It just ran the virus checker and I compacted my Outlook Express folders.

Told ya! It was boring today. The only reason I am writing this stuff down is because I needed to write it to keep my goal of writing everyday, no matter how big or small.

Well, that last part is a lie… I try to write at least 150 words, like it really makes a difference in the long run. I don't get stickers for not meeting my monthly goal. I guess it just adds to my word total in the end.

The end...

This blog has run it's course. Visit...  http://www.iamagracefulwriter.info/ to read more about my writing.