Here's the 3-year old version of dodge ball.
Every student in the class lines up against the wall.
The two people who are it, throw the balls at the students feet; at least they try to do that.
The throwers throw the balls, hitting one or two people.
Some of the dodgers move out of the way to dodge the ball.
Someone bumps into someone who doesn't move out of the way. The bumpee begins to cry and say that the bumper did it on purpose. The teacher says, "It was an accident. It's okay, go back and play." The bumpee gets upset and goes sit down.
The throwers throw the ball higher than the feet and hit someone in the chest or stomach. That person starts to cry and goes tell the teacher that the thrower hit them on purpose. The teacher tries to explain the rules of the game to the dodger, but the dodger gets upset, throws a fit, and gets put in time out.
Three students just get tired of running around and go play somewhere else. The throwers do not realize that these three students aren't playing anymore and throw the ball at one of them as they leave the field of play. That student gets upset, grabs a ball and throws it as hard as possible at the throwers head. The thrower catches the ball, throws it back at the student who just threw it at him. The student gets upset and grabs the thrower and pushes him. One of the teachers sees this and makes the pushing student go sit in time out.
In the meantime, several of the students chase the rogue balls down and hand them back to the throwers, not fully understanding that they are not supposed to touch the balls at anytime. They get upset with the throwers when they tell them that they can't touch the balls. The touchers of the balls get upset and go play something else.
One student keeps getting in the path of the balls, so that he can get hit with the balls. The throwers get upset because he isn't playing right and they go play something else.
The students (three of them) who understand the concept of dodge want to keep playing, so they hand the balls to the teachers and ask them to throw the balls.
Most of the students are playing something else and three of the students are sitting in time out asking, "How many minutes do I have left?"
The teachers are tired and about ready to scream. One of them looks at the other and asks, "Why did we teach them how to play dodge ball?"
At the end of recess time, everyone is whining and saying, "I am hot." "I am tired." "I am sweaty."
Fun game, isn't it?
The end...
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