I had some other stuff to write about today, but I am feeling kind of blah right now. I think I have caught Spring Fever. I have Spring Break next week. I am trying to figure out something to do next weekend. I really want to get out of town.
It isn't like I can go to a beach or something for the week. I just wanna get out of the house.
My allergies have been irritating me all day. My eyes, ears, and throat have been itchy all day. I have been scratching all day. I am trapped in a building. I want to go outside, but I am scared to be out there for more than 20 minutes because I might end up regretting it.
I am beginning to think that I need a chocolate fix. The nurse at my school is selling chocolate bars for her son. I bought a couple of them. I am seriously considering eating on of them. I am not into to whole chocolate thing. I am not even into sweets. I very rarely eat chocolate. I eat sweets even less, which is odd because my brothers and sister eat sweets like it is going out of style.
Speaking of siblings, all of them have MySpace pages, Jerry, Kevin, Jeremy, and Alisha (in order of birth after me). I was the last one to get one and I am the oldest. (Please note that I am not responsible for anything that appears on any of their pages. Jerry's page is not bad. He is a preacher.) I can only control what appears on my page.) Anyway, I got a MySpace page so that I could talk to my little sister. She never answers her phone and I don't know her email address. (I am so off topic. Anyway.) My sister has posted some silly comments on my page. She is my baby.
Free Writing
I am really free writing right now. I am just typing what pops in my head. I haven't done that in awhile. I have been writing more structured stuff.
(She knows she can get up, so what is she waiting for.)
Gossip (Short Stories) & Gossiping
I have been working on My Short Story Series: Gossip. It is turning out rather nicely. It is crazy how much church folk gossip, especially preachers. Church folk sure can talk about each other, under the guise of "sharing" information, telling people what to pray for, or a combination of both. If I hear one more person say, "I am just sharing so that we will know what to pray for," I am gonna scream. It is just flat out gossiping, plain and simple. I had to be delivered from gossiping. I still have yet to figure out how I got so caught up in gossiping, too.
I did not grow up in an atmosphere of gossiping. My mother does not gossip. She does not find out the latest gossip until it is two years old. No joke, I am serious. My taught my brother and I not to gossip. (For clarification purposes, my father has three different sets of children, Jerry and I, Kevin, Jeremy and Alisha, in case anyone was wondering.)
I got caught up in gossiping so quickly at my last church that I was a full fledge gossip before I even realized I was a gossip, by then, I was in too deep. I was gossiping with the leadership of the church, high ranking leadership. It was referred to as VERIFYING INFORMATION that was already known. Basically, I would go verify some information for another person. Oddly enough, I had access to resources where I could verify the information.
Once I was able to get out of the web of gossip, I laid before God, cried, and repented like crazy. I felt so bad for getting tangled up in that sin. Sin will suck you in and make a fool out of you.
I guess I am pretty much through free writing for now.
It felt good to get that out of my system.
The end...
This blog has run it's course. Visit... http://www.iamagracefulwriter.info/ to read more about my writing.
I worked in Children's Church today. I didn't actually have a class. I ended up helping in the kindergarten class, that's usuall...
This month, I am participating in the April Fool's Novel Challenge . Basically, you state a goal, work towards that goal, and hope for ...
Today was so crazy. We had a fire alarm. It wasn't a drill either. It was for real. My class was about to go outside. All of a sudd...