This is not really a big issue, but it's the easiest way I can talk about. I went to my high school reunion in September. It wasn't really worth the time and effort I went through to go. I didn't remember anyone although most of everyone remembered me. My class reunion was really an encouragement, because I was about the only person there that did not look old and worn out. I mean most of the people there looked as if they had lived hard lives. I got so many compliments and praises. It made me fell really good. Two things have kind of bugged me about the whole thing. First, the guy that I wanted to go with me couldn't. Somewhere between the time I asked him in July and September, he got a girlfriend. Man, I was so crushed when he told me he couldn't take me. I kind of developed a crush on him and I just wanted to spend some time with him I suppose. I mean, the only guy I ever hang around with is my brother. I really get tired of hanging around with him all the time. I just wanted to spend some time with another guy beside him. Well, he fell through, but I asked another guy at church to go with me. He said he would, but that really wasn't much fun. I suppose I could have made it more fun, but oh well. HE didn't seem to want to just hang out. I was enjoying just being out of the house doing something. He was just ready to go home. Especially on Saturday night at the mixer. I think he got frustrated because everyone else was drinking and all the secular music they were playing. I was like, whatever. I was just glad to be out with a guy beside him. We left really early. I was kind of upset, but since I had rode with him, I kind of didn't have a choice. It was really a let down in that department. So oh well right.
The other thing that bugged me was there was a girl in high school that I was pretty close to and I cared a lot about. When I got to the reunion, I walked right by her and didn't even recognize her. She just barely recognized me. Even after we recognized each other, she didn't make an effort to act like she knew me. Although I didn't make an effort either, but I just didn't know any of those people, so it all seemed like an effort of futility. It mostly bugged me because I cared so much about the girl. Well, I hadn't made any contact with any of those people since 1988. It's over with now. I guess I'll see them in the next 10 years.
The end...
This blog has run it's course. Visit... to read more about my writing.
I worked in Children's Church today. I didn't actually have a class. I ended up helping in the kindergarten class, that's usuall...
This month, I am participating in the April Fool's Novel Challenge . Basically, you state a goal, work towards that goal, and hope for ...
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