So, here goes another section in my life that I feel like writing.
I have actually written quite a few songs this year. I guess my inspiration has come back to me, Huh.
Well, ya know how I always begin this things...
All about my personality...
I am a very sensitive and caring person, although I do have my moments. A lot of people really don't know about this side of me, because the only time I show it is when I am working with children. Everyone sees me as the fun-loving, happy-go-lucky, casual person that I usually am. I really have a soft side. Please don't tell anyone. I don't my secret out. :<) I love to have fun and laugh. I also like to make people laugh.
I like to make people feel good about themselves. When I was growing up, I always felt so bad about myself because the children at school teased me about how I looked. They said I was ugly. It took me 18 years to get over that. (I'll tell you the story later.) So, I know first-hand the importance of feeling good about yourself. I can't say that I had low self-esteem, I just thought I was ugly.
I love to work with children ages 12 and down. I will work with children older than 12, but sometimes teenagers can be a hand full. Most of the children love me at church. It's fun when children look up to you and think you are cool. I really like to work with children under five. They are young and innocent and I think that is the best time to teach them.
Off the subject...
We took our Sunday School Class (2 to 5 yr. olds) to Chuckie Cheese. I really did not want to go, but I went. Once I got there, I went crazy having fun. I mean I played with those children so until I was tired. They beat up on me pretty good. I had to chastise one of them, but after she got over it, she went back to playing with the rest of us. They had me chasing them all over Chuckie Cheese. It was fun.
Back on the subject...
I am very creative. I love to write poetry, stories, and song lyrics. I also love to do research papers. I still don't understand that. I also like to swim, skate, and bowl. Probably the weirdest thing about me is that I love to go grocery shopping. I find it very relaxing. I hate to go mall shopping though. The only way I ever go to the mall is if I have a special event coming up that I need to buy something for.
I am very mechanical. I love to fix stuff. When I was younger, I used to break stuff just so that I could fix it. That got me in trouble a lot. I love to those "do-it-yourself" projects. I don't have a place to just go and work on stuff so I really don't do to many "do-it-yourself" projects. When my dad bought ("my") our first computer, I stayed up until 3:00 in the morning fixing the office up that it was in. I had to put up some mini blinds, then I had to put my dad's desk together, and then I had to put the computer together. I had so much fun that night. I really love computers. I think they are so cool.
I don't have a lot of friends. Just about four or five. I don't even have a best friend. Sometime that frustrates me, but hey I do have my twin, Jerry. I don't really have anyone that I can talk to about the crazy stuff you think up sometimes. Jerry just ignores me and tells me I am talking to much. I have had best friends before, but they either end up finding new friends or the end up getting a man. I still try to figure that out. It gets so crazy sometimes. If I got married today, I would not even have a maid or matron of honor. Whatever, right.
Let's see... That's pretty much my personality, except that everyone calls me old-fashion. I was raised old-fashion COGIC. Back in the day. Sometime I think it was a bad thing (cause we couldn't do too much), but I really know it was a good thing because it made me the woman that I am today. I really appreciate the training and teaching that I got. It helped me a lot in life.
More about me...
I graduated from Tarleton State University with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resource Management. That means I can boss people around. I almost have my Masters in Computer Information Systems.
Well, I when I was younger, I wanted to be the next great COGIC choir director, but a couple of bad experiences crashed that dream. (That's a long story). Now I think I want to be the General Supervisor of Women. (Hey, it could happen! ;<) ) Really though, I want to be a published author. I already am, but I am not a paid published author. I have a poem I wrote published and an essay I wrote published. I really don't know what genre of literature I would like to focus on just yet because I love them all.
I'm a missionary in training, that's what I am in our association. I want to eventually work with young girls in some way in the future. I have preached a couple of times at church. Everyone fusses at me because I grab my ear and kick my leg up. They say I preach too masculine. O.K. I think I am the most hyper female ministers at our church.
Sometimes, I think that I would love to travel with an evangelists as their adjutant, but that probably wouldn't work because I would be trying to sight see in everywhere we went. I love to travel and go sight seeing. I really like to hop in the car and just drive, (no particular destination, just driving). I use to do that when I lived in Stephenville, TX, but I haven't since I moved to Dallas in 1994.) Sometimes I miss Stephenville, rather I miss my little younger brother and my little sister. (My siblings: Jerry, Jeremy, Alisha, and Kendrick (he is a cousin that my father adopted.) I'm the oldest.
That's pretty much me.
The end...
This blog has run it's course. Visit... to read more about my writing.
I worked in Children's Church today. I didn't actually have a class. I ended up helping in the kindergarten class, that's usuall...
This month, I am participating in the April Fool's Novel Challenge . Basically, you state a goal, work towards that goal, and hope for ...
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