My aunt died. That's really sad. I'm sad for a different reason. I found out at the funeral, that my aunt was the lick. She was all that, then some, plus a little bit more. I tripped out. I learned a lot of stuff about my aunt at the funeral that I never knew.
She was the first lady of several churches. She was also nationally known in her association. She did not even hold a office at the national level. She was also known at the state level where she held an office and at the local level where she held several offices. She had ten resolutions read at her funeral. Five were from her church, one from the national level of her association, one from the state level, one from a lodge or civic group, and two from the local level of her association.
It's like man I did not even know. I was so impressed with my aunt's life. To me she was just my aunt, but in reality, she was a great woman of God that I could have really learned a lot from. I talked to her from time to time about some church stuff, but she really had a vast knowledge of wisdom that I never gleaned from.
I was doing fine at the funeral until my cousin (12 years old) hugged her dead body. I have seen grown folk hug the dead but not a child. Then I was really missed up when I saw a tear come to my father's eye. I have never in my 28 years of existence seen a tear ever form in my father's eyes. I have been with him a couple of times when he should have broken down, cried and boohooed like a sick hungry baby, but he didn't. At the funeral, it really messed me up, seeing a tear in my father's eyes. I think my father is getting soft in his old age. He didn't even cry at his own Mama's funeral and she loved him like crazy and he loved her even more. Then I started crying. My brother was like "Oh, Lord". But I wasn't crying because she was dead, but because I had missed a great opportunity to know a great woman of God. I knew my aunt the aunt, but I did not get to know the woman of God side of her. It's just really weird. I don't like to keep funeral programs, but I actually kept my aunt's funeral program. I'm just so impressed with her life. I am rambling aren't I?
I'm Getting Old
I have got to be getting old. I am getting to where I actually like talking about how I feel. I remember back in the day when I wouldn't tell anybody what I was feeling, thinking, or wanted. I would just keep stuff to myself and suffer in silence. Now, I am always talking to my Trinity god mother about how I'm feeling. What in the world is really going on.
Well, I'm finished.........
The end...
This blog has run it's course. Visit... to read more about my writing.
I worked in Children's Church today. I didn't actually have a class. I ended up helping in the kindergarten class, that's usuall...
This month, I am participating in the April Fool's Novel Challenge . Basically, you state a goal, work towards that goal, and hope for ...
Today was so crazy. We had a fire alarm. It wasn't a drill either. It was for real. My class was about to go outside. All of a sudd...