I am currently working on a series of short stories entitled, Gossip. I was just thinking about gossip as I typed up one of the stories. It is amazing how quickly a Christian can get caught up into gossip. I know from experience.
I did not grow up in a gossiping household. We did not do taht. Even now, my mother is the last person to know any kind of gossip. Once it gets to her, it is usually 6 months old. We did not have a gossiping spirit at our church either.
At one of my more recent church homes, I became caught up in gossiping. It was easy to do because the pastor has a gossiping spirit, and the whole church has that same spirit, but they call it "SHARING INFORMATION." That's a load of bull because it is flat out talkign about people.
My brother and I happen to know some people, who know some people, who know some more important people. So, we have access to some of the top gossip about well known people in the religious arena. My brother and I got caught up into gossiping with the pastor. We were the ones who verified any gossip that he heard. We got deep into it, too.
In all honesty, it was fun being the one who knew the gossip. I ain't even gonna lie. That was a rush, to have people coming up to me and saying, "Is it true, what I heard about SO IN SO?" It felt good. (Sin is fun and it feels good for awhile.)
Things turned bad when my brother and I were the ones on the receiving end of the gossip. (Read a little about that here.) It is a lot more fun telling the gossip than it is being the one who talked about. Lord, have mercy.
Now, I am no longer into gossiping. I have to pray though, because it is hard to resist wanting to know more when someone says, "Have you heard what happened to SO IN SO?" It takes a lot to not say, "What happened?"
Be careful what you say about others. Someone may end up talking about you.
The end...
This blog has run it's course. Visit... http://www.iamagracefulwriter.info/ to read more about my writing.
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