Have you ever been waiting on something to happen? Have you ever been waiting to be delivered from a situation? Endurance, that is what it takes to last. It seems as if this current generation does not have any endurance. Endurance is the fact or power of enduring or bearing pain, hardships, and more. It is also defined as the ability or strength to continue or last, despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions; stamina.
I am waiting on God to deliver me from a situation. It has been a hard fought journey and I haven't always made the journey easy. It seems like it is taking forever. I have always prayed, Lord help me get through this. I don't like praying Lord; get me out of this now, because that means I will have to go through it again. I am waiting patiently to be delivered. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. It is a very dim light, but I can see it.
To endure, takes a certain mind set. You have to determine in your mind that you are going to endure. You also need to have it settled in your spirit that you are going to endure. The fleshly man always wants to quit and give up. But, if your spirit man is settled, then you can endure.
It gets hard time, waiting on God. I have devised a set of questions that help me to wait on God...
* Can I do anything to fix the problem?
* If I try and fix the problem, will I make things worse?
Once I answer these two questions, then I go from there. If I can fix, then I fix it. If I can't fix it, then I tell myself I have to wait on God. That's where the hard part comes in.
For most of my life, I heard the older saints say, "He (God) may not some when you want Him, but He is always on time." I never understood it until recent years. We always want God to come at the moment that we ask Him, but that is not always the right time. When God does appear, He always appears right before it is the last moment. Then the saying rings true.
I am still holding on and waiting for my change to come. There have been moments when I thought about acting a fool and quitting, but I have not done that. It is taking everything in me to endure.
I have the strength to continue or last, despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions.
The end...
This blog has run it's course. Visit... http://www.iamagracefulwriter.info/ to read more about my writing.
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