Today, I thought about... something at the school being on fire.
Today, I prayed... Lord, thank You that everyone got out of the building safely.
Happy Birthday, Mama!
Halloween Is Here!
The kids got in line quickly and went outside without any trouble. The last two times that we had drills, several kids joked around and got into trouble. No one acted out this time. I think they realized something had to be up because they hadn't been told that we were having a fire drill.
We were outside for awhile. Two fire trucks and an ambulance came out to the school. It was kind of cool.
When we finally found out what had started the fire, we were all laughing. One of the teachers had burned some popcorn. She put the bag in a sink full of water and the steam caused the room to fill with smoke. The smoke set off the smoke detectors. The fire department had to come out and over ride the fire alarm.
They had to open the doors and turn fans on in the hallway to get the burn smell out of the school. It was crazy.
Someone was up to some Halloween trickery!
Today, I thought about... my NaNo Novel. It is almost time to go there.
Today, I prayed... Lord, let me be a good example.
Today, I thought about... my NaNo Novel.
Today, I prayed... that my husband will make the grades in school that he wants to make.
Pumpkin Patch
The kids wanted me to take Abigail with us. When I looked up, Abigail was laying on the ground and the person who had her, was running off somewhere else. I ended up holding her for the rest of the day.
The kids ended up taking a good nap. They were all tired and hungry when we got back to the room. That was cool with me.
That was my first time going to a pumpkin patch. It was fun. There weren't that many pumpkins there though since we went on the last few days of the thing. It was still cool.
Today, I thought about... how much I don't feel like I am a part of my church and I have no one to talk to face to face.
Today, I prayed... Lord, help me to be able to go to church more often and to fellowship with my church family more often.
Lonely In Lewisville
These days, I am feeling so lonely. My family is far away. My friends are in the area, but it is a 30 minute or so drive. I can rarely get them to come out here, even for special occasions. I get sick of having to be the one to travel to see them. I am usually the one who calls and then folk get upset with me for not calling more often. Its like, "Can't you call me?"
Anyway, I am lonely. I don't get to fellowship with the people at church. A few of the ladies at church know who I am, but it still ain't the same. I don't feel like I have anyone who cares about me, enough to check on me. I don't have a mother figure, a sister, or anything. Man, I miss my family. I hate being here like this. I can't hang out with anyone. Almost everything I do, I have to do it by myself. I get so sick of doing stuff by myself. I can't even call anyone to come pick me up and go somewhere. I don't know anybody around here like that. I can barely call somebody to give me a ride to church. That's very disheartening. I wanna go to church and stuff, but I don't have a way all the time.
The people at school make me feel so left out at times. A lot of them go to the same church, so they are always talking about stuff that goes on at their church. I don't have a lot in common with the teachers from my class. I try to "be apart of the group," but it still ain't what I need. I am probably making a bigger deal about stuff than I need to. Although, I know that they know each others families. Yet again, I am left out of "the group." How is it that I am never able to get "my family" to be a part of my professional life? I still ain't figured that one out yet. I got a feeling that when things clear up, it will be the same. But that's the way things are in my life.
At the Fall Festival, they had their families at the festival. They had friends to work their station with. Why did I end up at a station by myself? On top of that, it was hard getting people to come be a part of my station. I had the music station. People were supposed to dance. It was like pulling teeth to get those kids to come dance.
I hate being me sometimes. Why I gotta be so shy?
I hate not being able to fellowship at church like I want to. That's all I have. But, I can't fellowship right now. I know that it is going to change one of these. It's just so hard right now. I am so tired of feeling alienated and out in the wilderness. Longing for a motherly hug from one of the church ladies is getting old. I know all I have to do is wait for a change. Although, I am not sure how much things will change. I appreciate the moments that I can get from time to time. Then it gets even harder because those moments make me want more moments like that.
Westside is that kind of church, but you have to be the one to make yourself available. The church is so big that people don't particularly notice you unless you make yourself available. I hate big churches for that very reason. At least at small churches, it is easier for people to notice you. I can't stand feeling lost in the crowd.
I get so frustrated when opportunities to fellowship are passed up for no apparent reason. I can't even understand it. I ask for a reason, but I don't get one. That makes things even worse. I still ain't figured out why we couldn't fellowship this afternoon. There wasn't any reason. There is no school. We aren't doing anything other than goofing around. The goofing around could have been postponed for 30 minutes. I wish I knew the reason, maybe then I wouldn't feel so let down.
I have prayed about it. I will keep praying about it. I will have to keep waiting. Until then, I guess I will keep making up people in my head to be my friends. That's some mess. Maybe that's what makes me such a good writer, I make up all of my friends.
Recently, I found out that someone that I am close to is getting a divorce from her husband. I knew the husband first. I am still adjusting to that news. Then I heard that the woman cheated on the husband. How am I supposed to process that kind of information? The woman is my girl. I am close to her. She is the closet thing to a best friend that I have. I haven't asked her about any of this yet. I don't even want to ask her. If she says that it is true, I will be totally crushed. I can't even begin to figure out how to deal with this. If this ain't about some craziness.
Yes, I have a husband, but I need to fellowship with some women every now and then. Girl power rules.
I am going to go to bed now. I am all cried out.
Lord, help me to not feel so lonely. I know that I am not alone, but I still feel so disconnected and alone. Work out my situation so that I can fellowship with my church family more. Amen.
This Week...
I didn't finish my goals for last week again. I am going to have to stop doing that.
Here are my goals for next week…
- Work on my outline. By 10/29.
- Finish my NaNo Icons for this year. By 10/30.
- Put NaNo Images for characters and places on the blog. By 10/30.
- Take the candy to the church for the Fall Festival. By 10/31.
- Begin NaNoWriMo. On 11/01/07.
- Write between 5,100 and 10,500 words this week. By 11/03.
Today, I thought about... how much work I have done on my novel.
Today, I prayed... Thank You, Lord for my husband.
Lazy Today
I wash a few loads of clothes. I detest washing clothes. It is one of the chores I hate more than anything. I would rather clean the toilet than wash dishes. I know I got issues. To me, washing clothes is a necessary evil.
Maybe one day, I will like washing clothes, not likely though.
Oops, I forgot to do my NaNo Icons site today. Oh well, no worries. I will do it later.
Good Day Today
Today, I thought about... how crazy the weather has been.
Today, I prayed... Lord, let my husband make 95 or better on his final exams this weekend.
I fixed my NaNo Icon site last night. Everything is everything now. Yippee.
Have you ever had someone get on your nerves so that you wanted to tell them to go somewhere and sit down? That is how I am feeling right now. Oh, just relax, would you?
I get to leave work an hour early. Yea! I need to go to the post office today.
Today, I thought about... how crazy those kids were.
Today, I prayed... Lord, please don't let me hurt nobody today.
Crazy Day So Far
I am about ready to catch a case up in here. This folks is crazy. That's all I can say right now for fear of reprisal.
Today, I thought about... how crazy T-Mobile hotspot was acting.
Today, I prayed... Lord, don't let me throw this computer. :)
Trouble, More Trouble
I am still having trouble with BlogJet. I am so sick of that program. It has a feature where you can group post, but, the ignant program still ain't working. I wasted my money for nothing. One of these days, I am going to ask for a refund.
I have tried to find some help for my BlogJet Problem, but it ain't worked yet. Maybe if I downloaded and re-installed the software, it would work, but I don't know. I am just tired of it.
Today, I thought about... Jerry. It's his birthday.
Today, I prayed... Lord, blessed children all over the world.
Crazy Day
I missed the bus. I hate it when it rains. The bus driver is always either early or late. I had to call a co-worker to come pick me up. It was a mess this morning.
The kids acted a fool. All but 3 of them had to go to yellow today because they were acting a fool during computer lab time. Why do they keep acting crazy? I can't figure it out.
Today, I thought about... Milk-to-Meat. I am learning a lot and seeing more and more of God's word and life.
Today, I prayed... Lord, help me to not worry about my necessities. I know that You will always provide them for me.
This Week...
I didn't finish my goals for this past week, so they are my goals for this week.
Here are my plans for the week...
- Create and finish my NaNo Icons for this year. By 10/28.
- Create and finish my NaNo 2007 blog. By 10/24.
- Work on my character sketches. By 10/26.
- Work on my setting sketches. By 10/26.
- Work on my outline. By 10/26.
- Submit all of my Milk-to-Meat assignments. By 10/28.
I have got to get on this stuff this week. I put due dates on each item, so I will have to do them. I may have to go into seclusion to get all of this work done, but I have to get it done. I want to focus on other things for the last three days before NaNo starts. I still have to do the sketches for my places and I have to find images to represent my people and places. This is going to be a full week.
Lord, help me to stay on task this week. Help me to accomplish all of the goals that I have stated above. I need to finish all of the things listed on my list. When I get tired or discouraged, give me strength and courage to go on. With Your help, I know I will complete the tasks before me. Thank You, Lord for Your help. Amen.
I Messed Up
He had to do a lot of work over. I hate it when I do stuff like that. I lost a file like that a few weeks earlier. I apologized to my husband. He is still upset, though. I can't blame him, though.
Today Was a Good Day
Today was a real good day.
Today, I thought about... the beauty shop scene that I want to write about in my NaNo novel.
Today, I prayed... Lord, let me write a novel that glorifies You and brings other to You.
Crazy Fast Now
My Hair Is Done
Get this, my hairstylist left me in the salon by myself twice. Once to go get some products, the second time to go get something to eat. It was okay. I was sitting under the dryer both times.
I feel so much better now. Only problem was, the wind was blowing and I was scared that the curls were going to drop just as soon as I got outside. They stayed up for awhile.
Hard Drive
Today, I thought about... how crazy this week has been.
Today, I prayed... Lord, help me to look past my circumstances and see You!
One Long Day
All of the kids used up the paper that I had in my bear, Abigail's backpack. I asked them not to use up the paper, but they did. It is okay though. They wrote Abigail a lot of notes. She had like 10 notes in her backpack. I couldn't read most of them though. It was sweet of them to write her the notes.
I am pretty tired today.
I made a hair appointment for tomorrow. I am also going to take my computer in to get a new hard drive. Yeah!
Today, I thought about... a friend who I heard something bad about and how I was going to ask her about the news I heard.
Today, I prayed... that I will know how to ask the bad news and how to respond to the answer.
Won't It Be Grand
It is an amazing thought to think about Heaven. The wicked will cease from troubling and the weary will be at rest. We will get to see Jesus and everyone else that we want to see. It's going to be grand.
Won't it be grand when I see Jesus? There have been so many songs written about seeing Heaven. Douglas Miller's "When I See Jesus" was the jam back in the day. Everybody was singing that song. "I've learned how to live holy… I'll gain eternal, eternal life… When I see Jesus, amen. When I see Jesus, amen. All my troubles will all be over. When I see Jesus."
I played the drums for Douglas Miller at a Back-Home Revival service in Memphis, TN one year. It was cool.
Today, I thought about... my god mother.
Today, I prayed... for my god mother and her family.
My Other Godmother
Our pastor is always saying, "One thing in life is sure, we will all die if the Lord doesn't come back before we do."
It is so frustration to me when people who know what to do, don't do it. I can't stand it. It irks me to no end. I guess I have to get over this thing.
Today, I thought about... the perfect image that I found for my prewriting and the great cover that I am going to design for my NaNo Novel.
Today, I prayed... for my health.
Today, I thought about... my godmother.
Today, I prayed... for my godmother and her family.
Hard Drive
I hope I can get at least 100 GBs.
News, News, News
I was saddened by the news about my godmother's father. I didn't get to go to the funeral because it happened on this past weekend. I wish I could have been there for her.
Today, I thought about... throwing up.
Today, I prayed... that I wouldn't throw up.
I may need to get some Airborne or something like that.
Today, I thought about... the fact that I can't find a suitable picture for my prewriting.
Today, I prayed... for my safety.
Today, I thought about... how many more icons I want to create.
Today, I prayed... for my family.
Today, I thought about... my NaNo idea.
Today, I prayed... that I will be able to touch someone's life with this story.
Today, I thought about... my story for NaNo.
Today, I prayed... "Thank You, Lord for giving me an idea for NaNo.
Writing Buddies & Other Stuff
I have tried to get some write-ins going here in the city, but no one has ever shown up. I get tired of fooling with that stuff. They like to meet at crazy places. I heard some people were meeting at a bar. Yea, like that's where I need to be.
Sometimes it is hard being a Christian in this crazy world. It can be a lonely existence at times. I keep trudging along.
I love doing NaNo, but I wish I had someone to do it with me.
I still don't have an idea yet. I keep thinking on what to write. I have a lot of ideas, but I am not feeling them. I can't figure this out. I am still waiting to see what hits me. I may just try to finish Allegations, even though I am not ready to finish it yet.
Today, I thought about... how hot it is at the fair.
Today, I prayed about... how hot it is in October.
Fair Day
It was so hot. This weather has been crazy. I was sweating. I had the nerve to wear a black t-shirt. Ain't that some mess. Everybody, their mama, and their cousin were out there. It was a holiday and a fair day for most of the schools. We had free tickets.
We got conned (SMILE) out of $20. We got talked into playing one f the games. We played darts. The girl kept talking us into playing with the promise of a prize. We did get a prize finally, after we had spent $20 buying chances to throw the darts. I got a Dallas Maverick teddy bear dressed in Maverick gear. It is cute.
We ate a corny dog. I wanted a turkey leg, but several of the places that I went to had run out of turkey legs. How do you run out of turkey legs at the fair? That's some bull.
My husband wanted a fried Snicker bar, but he said it was too hot to try to get one. Neither of us got what we really wanted in the end.
Today, I thought about... a church service that is more exciting.
Today, I prayed that... our services will be more exciting.
Slow Day Today
I came up with an idea or two, but neither of them appealed to me. I am not ready to finish Allegations yet.
I goofed around on the NaNoWriMo site for awhile. It is slow as Christmas.
I am thinking about getting a new hard drive for my laptop.
That's it for today.
Today, I thought about... just sitting still.
Today, I prayed about... my life.
I normally try to use a 5.5x8.5 binder for my writing things, but those things get cumbersome. I have been trying to use a 80 page spiral of that same size, but I can't add and rearrange pages like I can with the binder. It is irritating.
Well, I found a great spiral today. It is a Rolla notebook. With Rollabind notebooks you can refill, remove, replace, and interchange pages according to your needs at that moment.
I almost went crazy when I found the notebook. I only bought one this time. I am planning on going back and getting a few more, at least all of the colors they have. I can't wait to get more.
I don't like the kind of paper that they use with the notebook, but I can live with that.
Today, I thought about... not being able to write.
Today, I prayed about... writing!
Hard Writing These Days
I am so tired of this.
Today, I thought about... asking everyone what kind of shirts they want to wear.
Today, I prayed for... my husband.
Rep Days
Not a lot of people have participated, though. I think it is because they don't have the shirts we requested or either they forgot. I hope that when we Rep our school, everyone wears their shirt.
Today, I thought about... not being able to write in November because of my allergies.
Today, I prayed about... my allergies.
Nasty Days
Lately, we have had some nasty days. The weather has been bad. My allergies have been acting up. It has made writing hard. I am not supposed to be dealing with this kind of stuff right now. I am about ready to scream.
I hope this stuff clears up before November.
Today, I thought about... leaving a Yahoo! Group because I am not getting what I need.
Today, I prayed about... feeling lonely in my writing endeavors.
No Help Either
Something New
Today, I feel like...
Today, I thought about...
Today, I prayed about...
I will be doing that everyday from now on.
Mad Challenge #4 from Mad Challenge
When I get an idea, I usually think about it for awhile, a day or two, to decide if it is a good idea. After that, I write it down in my idea journal. I try to write a date beside it, so that I will know when I got the idea.
I have all of my ideas saved for later use. I have yet to write most of them. This year is the first year that I have considered writing about one of my previous ideas. The past three years, an idea came to me.
I have two copies of my idea journal; one (a pocket size composition book) I carry in my back pocket at all times, the other is a 5.5X8.5 spiral that I keep in my backpack.
I keep meaning to put my ideas in a file on my zip drive.
Mad Challenge #3 from Mad Challenge
I write about romance from a Christian perspective. I also write about church life and how crazy things can be when "CHURCH Folk" start acting up.
I have done NaNo for the past 3 years (since 2004). Here's a description:
2004 - Captive By History - http://www.alwaysinspired.info/nano2004/
It is a story about love, friends, family, and college life. This is the story of how Kourtnee Adams and Colt Austin meet and start dating. It ain't easy for college students trying to study, date, and live life. Enjoy, Captive By History.
35,431 words
2005 - Flirting With Danger - http://www.alwaysinspired.info/nano2005/
It is a story about love, family, friends, and so much more. It ain't easy being the Bishop's son and trying to date an older woman. Enjoy, Flirting with Danger!
97,189 words
(I didn't have a job this year.)
2006 - Allegations - http://www.alwaysinspired.info/nano2006/
It is a story about trust, betrayal, friendship, church, and ALLEGATIONS. This is what happens when CHURCH FOLK "SHARE" information. Enjoy Allegations!
37,435 words
(I don't think the word count is correct. I hand wrote this novel.)
More info about my NaNo Novels is here: http://www.my1000words.info/NaNoNovels/ .
Mad Challenge #2 from Mad Challenge
Are you doing NaNo?
Yes, I am.
I have two ideas tossing around in my head. I can also finish last year's novel, but I don't know just yet.
What Is NaNoWriMo?
Lost Entries
Goals for the month of October
2. Outline my story for NaNo.
3. Create my character sketches for NaNo.
4. Pre-write for NaNo.
5. Write something everyday no matter how small.
6. Create NaNoWriMo icons.
Pride Stickers
Writing Goals
The end...
This blog has run it's course. Visit... http://www.iamagracefulwriter.info/ to read more about my writing.
This month, I am participating in the April Fool's Novel Challenge . Basically, you state a goal, work towards that goal, and hope for ...
Today was so crazy. We had a fire alarm. It wasn't a drill either. It was for real. My class was about to go outside. All of a sudd...
I worked in Children's Church today. I didn't actually have a class. I ended up helping in the kindergarten class, that's usuall...