I am working on updating my websites. I have quite a few that I have created. It's just one of those things, I started the site as part of a class and it has grown and grown. If you want to read about it, click here.
Here are some of the sites that I maintain that have domain names:
All these sites are related to LaDawnya's World.
Adams Family Headquarters - http://www.adamsfamilyhq.info/ - The site of the Adams' Family.
Adkins Family Abode - http://www.adkinsfamilyabode.info/ - The site of the Adkins' Family.
Perpetual Inspirations - http://www.alwaysinspired.info/ - This is the site that hosts most of the sites I create.
Bagley ISD - http://www.bagleyisd.org/ - The site of the Bagley Independent School District.
Greater Buelahland Fellowship - http://www.gbfellowship.info/ - The site of the Greater Buelahland Fellowship.
In Her Shadow - http://www.inhershadow.info/ - LaDawnya's Personal site.
LaDawnya's World - http://www.ladawnyasworld.com/ - This is the site that started it all.
LaDawnya's World - http://www.ladawnyasworld.info/ - This is the site that started it all.
State of Maddocha - http://www.maddocha.info/ - This is the state of Maddocha.
Shimmers Incorporated - http://www.shimmersinc.info/ - The Shimmers Incorporated site.
The White Family - http://www.theoxfordwhites.info/ - The site of the White Family.
If you want to view more sites, here is a comprehensive list.
These sites are sites that I maintain.
J-2070 By Design - http://www.j2070.com/ - This is the site of my website company.
Titus 3:7 - I Belong 2 God - http://www.titus37.info/ - A site letting the world know, I BELONG 2 GOD.
These are my personal sites.
In My Own Voice - http://www.mrsboone.com/ - This is my personal blog site.
A Wealthy Place - http://www.mrsdboone.com/ - This is my personal site.
My 1,000 Words - http://www.my1000words.info/ - This is the site where I post my writings.
PV31 - http://www.pv31.org/ - This is my ministry site.
My Poet's Voice - http://www.uponmywords.info/ - This is my poetry site.