
Vacation Review

I had a lot of fun on vacation.

We went to the Natural Caverns. That was fun.

We went to a wildlife park, where you drive around in your car a feed the animals. That was hilarious. A deer like animal got up close and personal with my husband. The animal stuck his head in the car window on the driver's side and sniffed my husband's hand and then licked my husband on the neck. I was rolling.

We went to Six Flags. That was cool.

We went to Sea World. We didn't get to see Shamu, much to my husband's dismay. We did see the penguins.

We went to the Schlitterbahn. This is a water park. This was so much fun. We floated around in the wading pool. We went down a couple of water slides. It was fun hanging out in the water with my husband.

I think I may have given one of the life guards an eye full because my swimming suit string came loose and I had to pull my top up. He looked at me kind of funny as I swam by him. OOPS!


We had an incident in I-Hop earlier today. We were sitting at a table and the waiter walked by us twice without saying a word. A white family was seated after we were seated. The waiter walked right over to them and began talking to them and being friendly. He walked by us three more times and didn't say a word. I looked at my husband and said, "If he walks by us one more time. I am going to act a fool." My husband smiled and said, "Calm down. Let's give him five more minutes." I had every intention of giving the guy five more minutes, except, he walked by us and gave the white family their drinks. I was livid at that moment. I stood up, walked up to the front of the restaurant and asked someone, "Who is our waiter?" The person responded, "Chris." I said, "He has walked by us four or five times and has not said a word to us!" A waitress walked up to us and said, "Come on, Baby and sit in my section and I will get you feed quickly." We sat in her section.

We got our food. We got a discount. I was heated though. My husband cracked on me the whole way home. It was kind of funny.

We were in San Antonio. There aren't that many African-Americans in San Antonio. We have a tendency to be bad tippers. (My husband and I are great tippers, though.) I think that is why Chris acted a fool with us. It can't be said that he didn't see us.

Oh well. Why did somebody have to act a fool with us on the last day of our vacation?

Back In Town

We are back in town. I feel so good and relaxed. I am thinking about posting some vacation pictures. Not sure right now.


The Adams Family

I have finally uploaded the Adams Family. I moved some of the family sites to the new domain. There are alot of Adams Family Sites.



I redid 29 websites this week. Whew! It is going. I am trying to finish by the end of July. I hope I make it.


Always Inspired

I have done a few sites in Always Inspired. Things are going slowly with the site updating, but I am going steady at it.



I need to get some new braids. I am starting to look ragedy about the head. I gotta find somebody on this side of town that does them.

I am looking.


Family Sites

I have created several families in my world.
The Adams Family and the White Family are pretty big. The Adkins Family is the first family of the Greater Buelhalnd Fellowship.

I created these families because I am big on families. I like the idea of having big families that get together and have traditions.


Greater Buelahland Fellowship

I updated the Greater Buelahland Fellowship. I created a banner rotation for the sites as well. I am so glad that I found GoDaddy.com. They have some good products.I was not paid for that plug. :)


Sites Designed

I completed 8 sites this week. It is tedious because I have to update file locations, remove old code, and add new code. I will keep working.


What I Am Doing?

I am working on updating my websites. I have quite a few that I have created. It's just one of those things, I started the site as part of a class and it has grown and grown. If you want to read about it, click here.

Here are some of the sites that I maintain that have domain names:

All these sites are related to LaDawnya's World.
Adams Family Headquarters - http://www.adamsfamilyhq.info/ - The site of the Adams' Family.

Adkins Family Abode - http://www.adkinsfamilyabode.info/ - The site of the Adkins' Family.

Perpetual Inspirations - http://www.alwaysinspired.info/ - This is the site that hosts most of the sites I create.

Bagley ISD - http://www.bagleyisd.org/ - The site of the Bagley Independent School District.

Greater Buelahland Fellowship - http://www.gbfellowship.info/ - The site of the Greater Buelahland Fellowship.

In Her Shadow - http://www.inhershadow.info/ - LaDawnya's Personal site.

LaDawnya's World - http://www.ladawnyasworld.com/ - This is the site that started it all.

LaDawnya's World - http://www.ladawnyasworld.info/ - This is the site that started it all.

State of Maddocha - http://www.maddocha.info/ - This is the state of Maddocha.

Shimmers Incorporated - http://www.shimmersinc.info/ - The Shimmers Incorporated site.

The White Family - http://www.theoxfordwhites.info/ - The site of the White Family.

If you want to view more sites, here is a comprehensive list.

These sites are sites that I maintain.
J-2070 By Design - http://www.j2070.com/ - This is the site of my website company.

Titus 3:7 - I Belong 2 God - http://www.titus37.info/ - A site letting the world know, I BELONG 2 GOD.

These are my personal sites.
In My Own Voice - http://www.mrsboone.com/ - This is my personal blog site.

A Wealthy Place - http://www.mrsdboone.com/ - This is my personal site.

My 1,000 Words - http://www.my1000words.info/ - This is the site where I post my writings.

PV31 - http://www.pv31.org/ - This is my ministry site.

My Poet's Voice - http://www.uponmywords.info/ - This is my poetry site.

Pride Stickers

I get to put 30 stickers on my computer. Yippee.

Writing Goals

I am very proud. For the month of May I wrote 21,031 words. I updated 27 websites. Yea!

Goals for the Month of June

Here are my goals for the month:
1. To write something everyday, no matter how big or small.
2. To write down more of the story ideas that I have come up with.
3. Update GBF
4. Update Maddocha
5. Update Always Inspired
6. Transfer
the Adams Family Site
7. Transfer
the Adkins Family Site
8. Transfer
In Her Shadow

Goals for Last Month

I accomplished six of my monthly goals for last month.

The end...

This blog has run it's course. Visit...  http://www.iamagracefulwriter.info/ to read more about my writing.