I am conducting a workshop on a group that I am a member of. It is a workshop for writers. It is called... Coming Up With Fresh Ideas. It is about how to keep yourself inspired to write more. On today, not that many people responded to any of my posts. I expected a bigger response, but hopefully, tomorrow will be better.
I like doing this workshop because people seem to be inspired by the subjects that I discuss. Most people usually say that they had never thought of doing what I had suggested.
My favorite subject is "I Do Some Crazy Things." In it, I discuss indulging your habits as a writer. Here's a quick excerpt...
I like to hand write things sometimes, just to change things up. I can only write on college ruled notebook paper and the lines on the page must be dark blue. It is a particular dark blue, too. The only place that sells is Wal-Mart. Thankfully, it is at Wal-Mart. If I try to write on any other kind of notebook paper, I literally get writer's block. I mean nothing will come to my mind. Once I get some of the dark blue lined college rule notebook paper, I can write all day. I know it's strange, ain't it.
I am going to have to find a way to do this workshop for a live audience one day.
The end...
This blog has run it's course. Visit... http://www.iamagracefulwriter.info/ to read more about my writing.
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This month, I am participating in the April Fool's Novel Challenge . Basically, you state a goal, work towards that goal, and hope for ...
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