I Did It!
March is going to be just as good. My daily total is 500/day. It's about to get interesting.
Squeezing the Toothpaste
Which way should you squeeze the toothpaste? From the bottom up, in the middle, it does not matter or a different way altogether.
Using one of the characters you created in Exercise 1, write a speech in that characters voice, describing how a tube of toothpaste should be squeezed.
The Short Story: A Day in the Life of Mazani McDaniels can be viewed here
Toilet Paper on the Roll
Write a story about the conflict that two of the characters you created in Exercise 1 have about how the toilet paper should roll off the holder.
Briefly described the characters (five words or less) in the story. Most importantly; answer, how do they resolve the conflict over the toilet paper?
The Short Story: A Day in the Life of Mazani McDaniels can be viewed here.
Story Character
Create a character for a story.
Be sure to answer these questions:
*What is the character's name? (Make it a funny or crazy name)
Mazani McDaniels nicknamed Mazzi
*Is the character male/female?
*What does your character look like physically?
*What kind of personality does your character have?
*Is your character good/evil?
*Tell about a couple of your character's family members. (Make one of them a crazy ole uncle)
The Short Story: A Day in the Life of Mazani McDaniels can be viewed here.
Workshop Exercises
The exercises can be viewed here.
Some exercises are posted here.
New Blog: These Short Stories
Pride Stickers
Today I Saw...
Write down the name of a street that you past everyday.
Mockingbird Road
Write a sentence or three about something strange that happens on that street everyday.
I was driving down Mockingbird Road as usual, well almost as usual. I was running late. It was after 7:20 AM, my normal time for crossing Mockingbird Road at Matthews Court. I knew I was going to hit the school traffic for sure. That was going to add 5 extra minutes to my driving time. I looked at the long line of cars that were in front of me. There were too many to count.
I shrugged my shoulders and prepared for my wait. I looked at the long line of cars again. This time the cars looked funny. Every single car in front of me looked just like mine, a red Dodge Cavalier. I didn't know what to make of what was before my eyes. Just then, the alarm clock went off, it was 6:00 AM. I was only dreaming.
What I Write Best
Write down what that subject matter is.
I think I write about church drama the best. I tend to write about the drama and then write about resolutions and positive outcomes to the drama.
Since I have been married, I have been able to write a love story or two.
I also write poetry about what is going on around me pretty well.
Why do you think that is your best subject matter?
Church drama is what I know best. I am a preacher's kid. I am a Pentecostal church baby. I have been in church all of my life and seen allot of stuff.
What can you do to improve your writing on this subject matter?
I am trying to use more wisdom when writing resolutions to the drama.
All About Me
1. I am very supportive.
2. I have a great smile.
3. I am fun-loving.
4. I rarely hold grudges.
5. I love working with children.
Write down 5 positive things about your writing.
1. I write a complete church scene in all of my stories, from the opening pray, to the benediction.
2. I write with continuity. Whatever I write, the facts are always kept straight and the timelines are always correct.
3. Many of my characters and places have reoccurring roles in my stories.
4. I add humor to my writing.
5. I include resolutions, repentance, and restoration in my stories.
This is not a part of the workshop exercise, but I chose to add it.
Here are some other things that I like about my writing.
1. Most of my main characters are female.
2. The main female character usually gets the man. :) I never got the man in real life, until I was 33 years old. (It's better late than never.)
3. The main female character is usually a prissy girl who likes to dress up. I am a tom boy in real life.
4. Someone in my stories usually prays or reads a scripture.
5. Some feature, aspect, or characteristic of the main female character is based on me.
Workshop Exercises
Trying to Make 400
I am going to make it, too. I have two days left after today. I am determined to make my total for the month.
I made my quota for today. I wrote 609 words. Yea! I get a sticker.
Oh yea, I am going to post my writing calendars for October 2006 and November 2006.
Kind of Scare
That is another subject that I discuss in my writing workshop that I mentioned earlier, "Know Your Season, Know Your Time." Here's an excerpt...
You should know your season. I have noticed that I don't do well creatively in the Spring and Summer. I have allergies in the Spring and the medicines as well as the symptoms make me feel sick. It's hot. I get headaches after being outside that make it hard to think at times, and then on top of all of that, I get braids for the Summer, so my head is hurting from that. :) I would get upset because I couldn't write alot from March through August. I would get so mad at myself. From September through March, I am a creative monster, writing things left and right.
Here is my writing seasons in order (best to worst): Fall, Winter, Spring, then Summer.
I am praying that I will be able to keep my daily quotas. I have set them low for March, April, and May. They are around 400-500 words a day. I have my quotas set higher for June, July, and August. I have to finish my NaNo Novel, Allegations in the Summer or else Jerry is gonna kill me.
I like doing this workshop because people seem to be inspired by the subjects that I discuss. Most people usually say that they had never thought of doing what I had suggested.
My favorite subject is "I Do Some Crazy Things." In it, I discuss indulging your habits as a writer. Here's a quick excerpt...
I like to hand write things sometimes, just to change things up. I can only write on college ruled notebook paper and the lines on the page must be dark blue. It is a particular dark blue, too. The only place that sells is Wal-Mart. Thankfully, it is at Wal-Mart. If I try to write on any other kind of notebook paper, I literally get writer's block. I mean nothing will come to my mind. Once I get some of the dark blue lined college rule notebook paper, I can write all day. I know it's strange, ain't it.
I am going to have to find a way to do this workshop for a live audience one day.
Pink-tastic Report
Nothing Yesterday
Here's my link... http://www.mypraize.com/mrsdboone/ . Come by and check me out.
I have no friends yet, so please pay me a visit and befriend me of you are on MyPraize. I am very selective with who I let be my friend, so everyone may not be added.
I have no friends yet, so please pay me a visit and befriend me of you are on Friendster. I am very selective with who I let be my friend, so everyone may not be added.
Here's my link... http://www.shoutlife.com/mrsdboone . Come by and check out me out. Shoutlife is fun.
I have no friends yet, so please pay me a visit and befriend me of you are on MySpace. I am very selective with who I let be my friend, so everyone may not be added.
Yahoo! 360
I have only 3 friends, so please pay me a visit and befriend me of you are on Yahoo! 360. I am very selective with who I let be my friend, so everyone may not be added.
Pink Phase
I think it has something to do with my students. Like I have said before, I work at a preschool that has a daycare in it. On most days that we are in class, there is subject to be four or five girls wearing pink. I think I have assimilated. Someone help me please.
I am going to start a PINK Watch Category where I will post how many girls have on the color pink each day. I have gone pink crazy.
Weekly Goals 2/25-3/3
1. Update LDW
2. Update GBF
3. Update Maddocha
4. Update Always Inspired
5. Add picture to Transformed on Gossip
6. Finish Another Convert
7. Add Another Convert to Gossip
8. Transfer the Adams Family Site
9. Transfer the Adkins Family Site
10. My hubby's graduation
11. Make a hair appointment
Bolded goals in Arial Font have been completed.
Missing My Students
I didn't realize that I was going to miss them this much.
Hard to Write
P.S. I cheated today to make the word quota. I removed all of the contractions from my writings.
Kids these days do not act like that. They act a fool all the time.
That is one of the reasons that I am skeptical about having children now. I do not want my children, (Tre and Lil D) acting up in public. (They are twin boys. One named after my husband and one named after me.)
I have heard the saying, "You children will act differently because you are the one who raised them, but I am sure that most parents feel that way about their child, but still, children act up.
These days, children are not even scared when you say that you are going to call their parents. That has corrected me on several occasions.
When I was a senior in high school, I decided to act grown one day in English class. My teacher, Mr. Newton, kept telling me to stop acting up. (I do not even remember what I did.) After a while, he said, "I am going to call your mother." My face got sad. My demeanor changed. I almost started crying. I reacted so strangely, that I scared him. Just as the tears were about to fall from my eyes, he said, "I will not call your mother if you act right." You better believe I started acting right. From that day one, he teased me about that incident until I graduated. If that man would have called my mother and told her that I was acting a fool, my mother would have killed me. I was 17 years old when this happened.
Things are so crazy these days. I just keep praying!
P.S. I am so very hungry.
The Judicial System
There has to be a better way of picking a jury.
I wasted a whole day for $6.00 (that's what they are going to pay us). It cost $3 to park and then my lunch was $3. There went my $6.
The best thing about the whole day was that I was able to write some more of Gossip.
The Things People Say to Get Out of Jury Duty
Here are some quotes from the people…
"If we aren't talking like you and I are talking now, I will be sleep on you. I get bored easily and you will hear me snoring."
"I can't believe just one witness. It is human nature to lie."
"I just don't want to."
"I don't believe in giving anyone probation for murder."
Here's a question... Why would you ask a person who does not speak or understand English to serve on a jury?
All Day Long!
First of all, I had to drive from Coppell to Dallas. That took over an hour. That is ridiculous. Half of Coppell is in Dallas County and the other half is in Denton County. I be glad when we get out of Coppell (Ebonically speaking). But that's another story.
I was downtown all day. I was in the Central Jury Room for close to an hour. We had to watch a film and then we had to wait to be called. While waiting, I was able to write some on the Gossip Story.
My number was called to go to a court area. That took forever. When I got up to the area, there were already 100 people in the little enclosed area. It was hot up in that area. I had to go out into the open hallway because I didn't want my allergies to act up. The wait was over an hour and a half.
We got called into the courtroom. The case was a murder case. There was a good chance that I wasn't going to get picked for the jury because of where I was sitting in the gallery.
The judge talked for too long, asking questions and explaining stuff. We were dismissed for lunch.
They were late calling us back into the courtroom after lunch. Get this… I had to go to the restroom. I was trying to wait and see if they were going to call us back into the courtroom. I kept thinking, "The moment that I go to the restroom, they are gonna call us back into court." I couldn't wait any longer, so I went to the restroom. I was late getting back into the courtroom and the judge decided to call me out in front of everyone. Someone told me, "They called us back in just after you left to go to the restroom." Ain't that some bull?
So, the rest of the afternoon was boring. Two people on my row were picked to be a part of the jury. I didn't, I guess because they had already picked two women before me.
Uhh Ohh!
Weekly Goals 2/18-2/24
Here are my goals for next week
1. Put up clothes
2. Update LDW
3. Update GBF
4. Update Maddocha
5. Update Always Inspired
6. Add picture to Transformed on Gossip
7. Write Another Convert
8. Add Another Convert to Gossip
9. Transfer the Adams Family Site
10. Transfer the Adkins Family Site
Bolded goals in Arial Font have been completed.
My Monthly Goals
I have done it for five days of February so far. It feels good to be writing everyday. I get to put stickers on my laptop. Yea!
I get to put 11 stickers on my laptop. I am feeling so good. Plus, I get to put 2 thousand word stickers on my laptop. One day I got 2,272 words. I am feeling so good right now.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
To everyone. I hope that your day goes well. Be blessed.
Remember, if you don't have someone special in your life, God loves you everyday, and that's the best love you could ever have.
Too Early
It is called, Coming up with New Ideas, or something like that. I don't have the paper right in front of me. I need to get that right, huh. :)
Wow, the Chargers
I thought the Chargers were on the verge of winning it all this year. I think they have one of the best teams in the league and they most certainly have the best running back in the league in LaDainian Tomlinson. I am trying to figure this one out.
I guess since the Chargers lost both Coordinators and several position coaches, the powers that be decided that the coach needed to go too. I wonder what is going to happen to the Chargers now.
Sunday School
The scripture used was John 15:1-17.
1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.
2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.
3Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.
4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.
7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.
9 As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.
10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.
11 These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.
12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.
16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.
17 These things I command you, that ye love one another.
(King James Version)
I am going through something right now at work. My Sunday School teacher said, "Sometimes, you have to look past the suffering and see what the end result is going to be. Sometimes that is hard because the suffering is right in our face, the meanness is right in our face, but we have to be longsuffering and see the end result. All I could say was "Yes, Lord."
Lord, help me to see past my suffering. Lord, help me to see past his meanness to the end result.
We discussed verse 13 of John 15. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. The verse doesn't literally mean to die for someone, but it means to think of others before you think of yourself. I need more help with that, not that I am selfish, but I could use more practice at it.
Lord, help me to think of others more than I think of myself.
How Much Is Too Much?
I am wondering how much is too much. How much abuse must we take? I understand that the person is a child, but I don't go to work to get abuse by a child. All we can do is sit the child in time-out. That doesn't work because the child continues to act a fool. The behavior is rubbing off on the other children as well.
This child has swung at me several times. He threw a chair at me. He almost closed my hand in the door. He had swung at several other workers as well. I am wondering what is going to be done about the child.
I am praying and have prayed for the child. I don't like being abused. I refuse to keep being abused, too. I am going to keep a running record of what the child does, so that I will have proof when I tell the powers that be that the child needs to leave.
How much is too much? I believe in helping people, but I refused to get hit on and yelled at by people. I don't like being abused. If the child were an adult and treated me this way, it would be over.
I am trying to be patience, but my patience is running out. The child said a word, several times, on last week that no child should be saying.
God, I am sincerely tired. I came home on Thursday and Friday feeling bad and low. I can't deal with too much more of this.
I will keep praying…
Lord, please help me. I need You! Amen.
Weekly Goals 2/11-2/17
1. Put up clothes
2. Make icon for blogs
3. Update LDW
4. Update GBF
5. Update Maddocha
6. Update Always Inspired
7. Fix Collier City on Gossip
8. Add Tammy & Helen to Gossip
9. Complete Transformed for Gossip
10. Post Transformed to Gossip
11. Add picture to Transformed on Gossip
12. Write Another Convert
13. Add Another Convert to Gossip
14. Transfer the Adams Family Site
15. Transfer the White Family Site
16. Transfer the Adkins Family Site
Bolded goals in Arial Font have been completed.
It's Official: Wade Phillips
Phillips, defensive coordinator at San Diego the past three seasons, has a 48-42 head coaching record over three seasons with Buffalo, two with Denver and season-ending interim stints with New Orleans and Atlanta.
Phillips, meanwhile, was helping the Chargers go 14-2. They allowed the seventh-fewest points in the NFL and were rated 10th in total defense.
It seems that our defense will be much better. I hope the defense will be better as well.
New Story Idea
Cowboys Coach
Here's a little something about Wade Phillips.
2004-06 - Defensive Coordinator, San Diego Chargers
2003 - Head Coach (Interim), Atlanta Falcons
2002-03 - Defensive Coordinator, Atlanta Falcons
1998-2000 - VP of Football Operations and Head Coach, Buffalo Bills
1995-97 - Defensive Coordinator, Buffalo Bills
1993-94 - Head Coach, Denver Broncos
1989-1992 - Defensive Coordinator, Denver Broncos
1986-88 - Defensive Coordinator, Philadelphia Eagles
1981-85 - Defensive Coordinator, New Orleans Saints
1977-1980 - Defensive Line, Houston Oilers
1976 - Linebackers, Houston Oilers
1975 - Defensive Line, University of Kansas
1973-74 - Linebackers, Oklahoma State University
1970-72 - Defensive Coordinator, Orange High School
1969 - Graduate Assistant, University of Houston
He looks qualified.
Weather Witch
Not today though. It is cold as all get out. That doesn't even make any sense. Mother Nature, the Ground hog, or whoever is in control of the weather needs to quit messing with me.
Degeneration of What's in that Petri
That was a powerful statement because I feel that it is true. I believe that this generation of humans is a watered down version of our forefathers. I believe every generation after us will be even more watered down.
I think about my ancestors. They ate a steady diet fat-back, hogmaws, chit'lins, and other fatty foods; and a large majority of them lived to be well into their 90s. But us, we can't even eat one hot dog without almost going in to cardiac arrest.
I can't even stand to be out in the sun these days. If I am out in the sun for longer than 40 minutes, I almost pass out and my skin breaks out in a rash. My ancestors stayed out in the sun all day without problems.
What in the world is going on?
Let's get to the church world. We are some watered down saints for sure. People leave churches just because of the message the pastor preached. I grew up on hell-fire and damnation sermons, and we did not leave our church. You can't even get people to come out to the weekly services. We used to have services everyday of the week. YES! Everyday. And every member of the church came out to all of the services, even choir rehearsal. That part was crazy; there were non-choir members at church for choir rehearsal night.
Does anyone know who their neighbor is anymore? When I lived in my apartment like 15 years ago, I knew the neighbor across the hall. I saw her everyday. I even stopped and talked to her. I knew that her daughter was in college. She knew that I was in college. I enjoyed that. I moved to another apartment in that same complex and I did not know any of my neighbors. I say some people and said hi to them, but I didn't know them. (I take that back. I heard them curse their children out by name, so I knew a couple of the children's name.) Where I live at now, I don't know any of my neighbors. That's shameful.
We don't even fellowship at church like we used to. With the appearance of mega churches, it is hard to fellowship, but I miss the down home atmosphere of the small church. It felt good to have someone know your name, but I have found out that most Christians now-a-days like the amenity that the mega church gives them.
We are a wiser generation, but we are some weak human beings. God help us all.
To quote Jack McCoy, "If we are created in the image of God, I think we are a degeneration of what was once in that Petri dish."
Rex Grossman
Give It A Rest Please!
Apparently, while Prince was doing Purple Rain, it looked like he was using his guitar to represent a certain part of the male anatomy. I did not notice it during the performance. I have a friend who said it made him do a double take, but he didn't think twice about it.
Why is everyone trying to make a controversy where there isn't one? Almost every sports commentator on earth has had something negative to say about the performance. I just think they are trying to find something negative to say. I wish they would give it a rest already.
Prince @ the Super Bowl
I enjoyed his performance. My husband went crazy when he saw the FAMU band come out and play with Prince. My hubbie is a Florida boy.
They had a Super Bowl party @ my church. I wonder if they watched the half time show. :)
The National Anthem @ the Super Bowl
Yolanda Adams sung the National Anthem at one of the Divisional Championship games. She did pretty well. I enjoyed her signing it.
I have not been impressed with a celebrity singing the National Anthem since Whitney Houston sung it. That girl sung her heart out. They realized the song on cassette and then she went platinum. That is too crazy. Girl knows she could sang.
The Super Bowl
I don't think Peyton should have been MVP, though. He did not do anything worthy of getting the trophy. I think Joseph Addai or Dominick Rhodes should have gotten it. I think Peyton got it because he finally won a Super Bowl. That's just my opinion.
Holding Out
I was thinking about how if you wait on God, He will make your wait worthwhile. God blessed me with an excellent husband.
Hezekiah Walker's new CD, 20/85 the Experience, was playing on the CD player. "Hold Out" was playing. The song talks about waiting on God. Before I knew what had happened, I was crying like crazy and praising God. I know my husband must have thought I was crazy.
When you hold out and wait on God, it is an awesome thing, the blessing that He gives you. I can't express it like I want to, but God is an awesome God!
Hold On as sung by Hezekiah Walker & the LFC
I'm going to hold out
Gonna hold out 'til He comes
God has just begun
Too make a Way, make a way for me
I'm going to hold out
Gonna hold out 'til He comes, God has just begun
To make a way, way
(Chorus 1)
Storm clouds may rise
Strong winds may blow
I know the Lord will take me through it all
He'll make a way, way
(Chorus 1)(x2)
(Chorus 2)
I'm going to hold out
Gonna hold out 'til He comes
Hold out 'til He comes
Hold out 'til He comes
Don't give up
Don't give in
Hold out 'til He comes
I am going to hold out.
I tried to do a little computer work today, but I didn't feel much like it. I watched my video tapes, so that was cool.
I am trying to reach over 100 words with this entry because my last few entries have been rather low in the word count area.
I am going back to the housework. I got over 100 words. YEA!
Weekly Goals: 2/4 - 2/10
Here are my goals for next week
1. Put up clothes
2. Make icon for blogs
3. Update LDW
4. Update GBF
5. Update Maddocha
6. Update Always Inspired
7. Fix Collier City on Gossip
8. Add Tammy & Helen to Gossip
9. Add Writing Blurbs from here to my writing blog.
10. Add NaNo Blurbs to my writing blog.
Bolded goals in Arial Font have been completed.
A New Month
1. To write something everyday, no matter how big or small.
2. To write more on the Gossip Series.
3. To be more organized from now own.
4. To write down more of the story ideas that I have come up with.
I am looking forward to the month of February. The Super Bowl is this weekend. That will be cool.
Items in bold were completed.
The end...
This blog has run it's course. Visit... http://www.iamagracefulwriter.info/ to read more about my writing.