
I Preached Myself Some Good News

Week of 9/8/02 - September 11th was on the news. - Bad News

Monday 9/9/02 - "African-American Women are more likely to get various deadly diseases" - More Bad News

Wednesday 9/11/02 - September 11th is on every channel. I can't get away from it. - More Bad News

Thursday 9/12/02 - Received an email that says You can get cancer from a chemical in shampoo and toothpaste. - More Bad News

I became frustrated. I needed to hear some good news. I prayed and asked God for some good news. I begin to think about Heaven. I decided to work on a sermon about Heaven. (I am a missionary. You can check out my ministry.)

I began practicing my sermon as I usually does. Before I knew what had happened, I had jumped up from my desk and I was praising God and speaking in tongues. I know the neighbors downstairs must have though I had lost my mind.

There is good news amidst all the bad news in the land. There is a place called Heaven where, the wicked will cease from troubling, the weary shall be at rest, and all of the saints of the ages, will sit at God's feet and be blessed.

There is a prerequisite for getting to Heaven, you must be born again.

God gave me my good news and I preached it to myself.

The end...

This blog has run it's course. Visit...  http://www.iamagracefulwriter.info/ to read more about my writing.